

早前因拍片批評前新加坡總理李光耀而被控兩項罪名,現被關進精神病院的16歲少年余澎杉,其母Mary Toh昨日(6月29日)在Facebook中向兒子作出道歉,她首先向兒子說對不起,再稱自己曾告知兒子新加坡是世上最安全的國家、政府為人民提供最好的福利,但現在兒子卻感到不安全和害怕。 


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Sorry Son.

Sorry for telling you that you are in the safest country. You are feeling so insecure and scared now.

Sorry for urging you to be a law-abiding citizen. The laws are doing you more harm than good now.

Sorry for assuring you that you will be well-protected. You are being threatened and ill-treated now.

Sorry for saying that our government provides us the best welfare. You are not even allowed to sleep at home now.

Sorry for telling you that home is best. It is where you were arrested from.

Sorry for encouraging you to be creative and expressive. You are regarded as crazy and rebellious instead.

Sorry for not teaching you well. You could have been taught otherwise.

Sorry Son. Mummy is wrong.
