The most preposterous family board game

The most preposterous family board game

Surely everyone has played the game Monopoly? However, in this day and age, I sincerely hope that no family would gather around the coffee table in their lounge room to play this once highly popular Monopoly-styled game. Perhaps you may be somewhat bewildered by this, how can a board game be so detestable?

Let me give everyone a hint! The game I’m talking about was created in 1936, which is the same year Monopoly came out in the United States, but this particular game was produced in Nazi Germany. Does that give anyone a clue?

The name of this game is Juden Raus! Let me translate for those of yo who do not understand German, in English it means “Jews Out!” In the Han language: Jews get out!

The game’s instruction says that it is suitable for anyone from 8 to 99 years old, and the way it’s played is moving your game piece after rolling a dice, the point of the game is that, in order to win, your task is to get rid of as many Jews as possible from the country.

Will any children these days still be willing to play such a game?



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