藏獨支持者趁習近平訪英示威 有華人手持中國旗阻記者拍攝

藏獨支持者趁習近平訪英示威 有華人手持中國旗阻記者拍攝


在迎接習近平期間,親中的舞龍隊伍因與藏獨支持者距離太近,要在場警員分隔,期間外媒《Channel 4 News》就拍攝到有習近平支持者以中國國旗,阻止當地記者拍攝,當中一名記者就回應指:「This is England, not in China.(這裡是英格蘭,不是在中國)」

《Channel 4 News》又拍攝到一名手持中國國旗的華裔男子,故意站在藏獨支持者的前方,當記者追問他所謂何事時,男子幾乎全程「O咀」,最後回應指「I think our Chairman is coming.(我想我的主席就快來到)」,之後就行開回避記者追問。

(Channel 4 News片段截圖)

Human rights protestors clash with pro-China supporters

One dragon got too close to the pro-Tibet protestors and was moved on.Human rights protestors clashed with pro-China supporters on the Mall today during a procession welcoming the President Xi Jinping to the UK.

Posted by Channel 4 News on Tuesday, October 20, 2015