Trump told reporters at the White House that U.S. officials are not talking about dropping charges against Huawei.
Huawei will be raised with U.S. attorneys and the attorney general in the coming weeks, Trump said, but “right now it’s not something that we're discussing.”
的確,特朗普將會與司法部門討論華為,但根據文字描述,並非是要討論「撤銷起訴華為可能性」,更表明是「U.S. officials are not talking about dropping charges against Huawei」,與華文媒體有極大出入。
白宮的YouTube頻道之後亦有上載特朗普回應記者的片段,而他的發言更可以選擇英文字幕,特朗普當時指「或會或不會」(may or may not )把華為和中興的問題,納入將談判的貿易協議,之後有一位女記者追問,會否撤銷對華為的刑事起訴,特朗普有以下回應:
We're gonna be discussing all of that during the course of the next couple of weeks, and We'll be talking to the US Attorney's. We'll be talking to the Attorney General, but We'll be making that decision. Right now it's not something that would discuss.
為何會集體出現誤會?極可能是源自這一篇《美聯社》的即時報道,標題為「The Latest: Trump raises prospect of dropping Huawei charges」,內容如下:
President Donald Trump says the possibility of dropping criminal charges against Huawei would be discussed with U.S. attorneys and with Attorney General Bill Barr in coming weeks.
Do they have fake news in China? I think so.