警察自比猶太人遭「納粹德軍」迫害 鄭松泰致函德國領事館要求正視

警察自比猶太人遭「納粹德軍」迫害 鄭松泰致函德國領事館要求正視


昨日(2月22日)香港警察集會中,警察自比如猶太人受迫害的言論,《熱血時報》向以色列駐香港領事館查詢有何回應,獲以色列駐香港領事館在下午3時32分回覆,表示有關人士的言論不恰當,令人遺憾,更希望不要再拿納粹黨屠殺猶太人的歷史作類比。而熱血公民主席立法會議員鄭松泰,就香港警察的言論,致函德國駐港總領事 Nikolaus Graf Lambsdorff,要求正視香港警察的不當言論。鄭松泰議員在信中直斥香港警察,將譴責警察不公濫權的香港市民比喻為納粹黨的說法「可笑」,並且對德國及德國公民極度不尊重。(willfully compared activists and Hong Kongers who criticize a police force run amok to Nazis, is not only ludicrous, but also a great disrespect to the Federal Republic of Germany and her citizens.)

鄭松泰議員又指,香港警察毫無紀律和自我克制,行為猶如暴民,但竟可自比為在二次大戰中受到逼害和屠殺的猶太人,是對以色列及全世界猶太人的侮辱。他又引用今日(2月23日)以色列駐香港領事館及香港猶太大屠殺及寬容中心的回應,譴責警方魯莽的言論。(Compared a gang of lynch mob, and a police force which losing any sense of political self-restraint and discipline to Holocaust victim, is a gloss insult to the State of Israel and Jewish people worldwide, of which the Consulate of Israel in Hong Kong & Macau has already issued an official statement of regret; the Hong Kong Holocaust & Tolerance Centre also condemned the reckless remark.)




【An open letter to Federal Republic of Germany Consul General to the Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR Nikolaus Graf Lambsdorff on Hong Kong Police Force's inappropriate "Nazis" comparison】

23 February 2017

Dr Hon Cheng Chung-tai has written to the Federal Republic of Germany Consul General to the Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR Nikolaus Graf Lambsdorff to set out what it considers are issues he may wish to prioritize in respect of recent remarks by the HKPF.

Seven Hong Kong police officers abused their power, savagely beating an arrested protester during Umbrella Revolution in 2014, and was recorded by the local news network. They were charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent and the Court sentenced seven police officers to jail for two years on 17 February 2017.

Nonetheless, the HKPF was unrepentant (Police Commissioner Stephen Lo Wai-chung expressed "sadness" over the sentencing, Joe Chan, Chairman of the Junior Police Officers' Association, stated that he was "shocked" by the jail term). 

On 22 February 2017, the police union organized an unlawful assembly in support of the officers – now convicted criminals at the Police Sports and Recreation Club in Prince Edward.

During the assembly, one officer expressed on the stage that he felt like Jewish who were persecuted by Nazis (original Chinese term was 「納粹德軍」, which could both mean Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS) during his line on duty (implying the unfriendly attitude he faced), the rest of rallying policemen responded with thunderous "yes". 

As reported, at least half of the police force attended the rally, and no senior officer corrected the remark afterward, hence it should not be considered as a mere isolate incident.

Compared a gang of lynch mob, and a police force which losing any sense of political self-restraint and discipline to Holocaust victim, is a gloss insult to the State of Israel and Jewish people worldwide, of which the Consulate of Israel in Hong Kong & Macau has already issued an official statement of regret; the Hong Kong Holocaust & Tolerance Centre also condemned the reckless remark.

Likewise, willfully compared activists and Hong Kongers who criticize a police force run amok to Nazis, is not only ludicrous, but also a great disrespect to the Federal Republic of Germany and her citizens.

Therefore, I wish Your Excellency would aware such an outrage, and defense the dignity of your nation and people.

