《全美一叮》(America's got talent)來到第12季,每一位評判都能夠有一次給予試鏡者「The Golden Buzzer」的機會,直入賽事。繼腹語唱歌少女、聾女唱歌能夠得到兩個「Golden Buzzer」的機會之外,今季第3個得到「Golden Buzzer」的是這位16歲的少年Christian Guardino,於主持Howie Mandel的「Golden Buzzer」之下,成為今季第3位直入賽事的參賽者。
16歲的Christian Guardino演唱經典歌曲《Who’s Loving You》,一開口唱功令評判們大為驚喜。原來以往有一段長時間都失明,直至接受基因治療才康復。連評判Simon Cowell都稱讚他:「You were like a little mouse that turned into a lion. You are one of my favorite contestants I’ve seen this year. Not only in terms of your voice. I just like you. There’s something about you, and it’s just the best possible feeling when we meet someone like you,」而評判Howie Mandel問他在這一刻想要什麼,Christian回答想要成為Golden Buzzer,而Howie Mandel竟然一口答應。
今季是《全美一叮》第12季,由超模Tyra Banks所主持。