蓬佩奧於社交網站貼文,指美國歡迎蔡英文放寬限制,認為此舉為進一步的經貿合作打開了大門,他並讚許「蔡總統」(President Tsai)的領導能力。
美國國務院發言人Morgan Ortagus亦發出聲明表示,指蔡英文宣布放寬美豬牛進口限制,將為美國農民提供更多進入東亞活躍市場的機會,並為台灣消費者提供優質的美國農產品,美方期望這些措施能夠及早實施。
The U.S. welcomes President Tsai Ing-Wen’s August 28 statement that Taiwan will move quickly to lift restrictions on imports of U.S. pork and beef. This move opens the door for even deeper economic and trade cooperation. Kudos to President Tsai for her leadership.
— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) August 28, 2020
U.S. farmers and Taiwan consumers both score big wins from Taiwan’s announcement that it'll eliminate long-standing market access barriers to U.S. beef and pork. We look forward to the timely implementation of these actions and applaud Tsai’s leadership. https://t.co/rawhGE6yZ8
— Morgan Ortagus (@statedeptspox) August 28, 2020